Remuneration for Practitioners

1. Requirement

The client wanted to develop dependable estimates of current and future remuneration rates of healthcare practitioners and Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) of a number of specialisms and in a number of geographies. The purpose was to ensure they were offering fair payment for training and information events offered to practitioners.

2. Solution

An interactive Excel model was developed, allowing for estimation of remuneration values for a range of practitioners. After the client selected from several identifying characteristics relating to education and experience, the model created an estimate based on the survey inputs. .

3. Methodology

Remuneration information was gathered from a number of hospitals in return for honoraria, including data for each individual relating to role and experience. All the data was supplied anonymously. From this averages and variances could be calculated.

4. Client Benefits And Feedback
Client Benefits And Feedback

On the basis of this information the client was able to offer benefits to practitioners and KOLs attending training and events in confidence that it had a robust methodology for justifying their payment levels.